Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Uniting Factor

Summer is always the busiest and the liveliest season of the year. This year’s summer was particularly lively (noisy too) especially with the FIFA World Cup 2010 which captivated the world in many ways. It not only made most of us celebrate with others the victories of the team we supported but it made us share the disappointments and the pain of defeats and most importantly this event brought different people together to discuss a world event and enjoy each others’ company.

For Christians, an event that brings people together is not something new; the event when “the Son of God became a man to enable us to become sons and daughters of God” and gave us the redemption by giving His own life on the cross is the most significant event on this earth and this event has brought us together as a family today. Through Christ, people from different countries, races, languages, ethnic background and culture can now share the same Spirit, the same values and the same Savior. When we join our hearts in Jesus’ name there is a strong bonding and we share the most mysterious relationship we can know on earth; a personal relation so beautiful, inexpressible and transformational. And the best thing is that it is not just an event that has occurred but it is an event that offered us a chance to become a friend with the Creator Himself.

Therefore, let us encourage one another to strengthen our relationships with God and to look forward with hope and faith in Him. Together let us build a deeper relationship with God everyday so that there will be no nights when the dark clouds hide away the shining Star in the horizon.

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